Sticky Fingers Club

Sticky Fingers Club is a show about failure, with the characters always confined to the background. They notoriously come in fourth place and compete for an Oscar with the unsurpassed Meryl Streep. In the face of constant failure, they create a space for celebration in which they cast themselves as stars. They celebrate being imperfect in their own way, supporting and challenging each other.

The performance draws on queer culture, both in the sphere of movement as in the expressive, frontal “attitude” of the performers. It is here that a space opens for the socially excluded and non-normative to reveal colorful identities. Pop culture references to the queer mainstream, popular fashion shows, or to Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody lend Sticky Fingers Club a massive dose of humor and self-irony.

The performance addresses the broader issue of failure, and the attendant exclusion and oblivion, without resorting to generalizations or moralism. It employs theatrical and choreographic tools, which make the piece difficult to pigeonhole and classify. Challenging social norms, Sticky Fingers Club emerges as a critical choreography.


  • Choreografia i reżyseria: Daniela Komędera- Miśkiewicz, Dominika Wiak, Dominik Więcek, Monika Witkowska
  • Dramaturgia: Konrad Kurowski
  • Muzyka: Przemysław Degórski
  • Kostiumy: Kostiumy z użyciem projektów autorstwa Krystiana Szymczaka, Edvarda Kuzmicha, Romana Marchewki
  • Reżyseria świateł: Krystian Koźbiał, realizacja świateł: Michał Wawrzyniak
55 min