A long time ago, pre, before,
a fang peeled off the mesoderm.
And on it trudged, among the stars,
one vertebra at a time.
The spongy dice has been cast,
in the fascia now it dwells,
bound together by durameter,
which tenderly frames its body.
The conical tip
sets off to dance, and along comes the leg.
My Tail and I is the latest production of the acclaimed independent dance collective Holobiont, comprised of Polish female artists working in the field of experimental choreography for families. Addressed to families with children over 3 years of age, the performance offers a humorous and young audience-friendly take on the history of evolution (with the human tailbone as one of its remnants).
During the event, the artists invite the participant families to join in on a movement interplay with the performers and unleash the creative energy that often lies dormant in our tails.