A graduate of Polish Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, he holds the title of Doctor of Arts (music theory) and is Assistant Professor at the Academy of Music in Poznań. Drajewski is also an active theater, ballet, and music critic. 

He contributes to the “Ruch Muzyczny” periodical and the taniecpolska.pl and Kultura u Podstaw websites. He has written on ballet and opera for theater program booklets. He is the co-author (with Jagoda Ignaczak) of “Polski Teatr tańca 1973-2024. Historia ludzie, idee” (Polish Dance Theater 1973-2024. History people, ideas), published in 2023. 

In 2021, he published a collection of opera and ballet reviews entitled “Z dziesiątego rzędu” (From the tenth row). In addition, he has the following books to his credit: “Zatańczyć. Studia na polskim baletem i teatrem tańca” (To Dance. Studies on Polish Ballet and Dance Theater) (2019), „Ekfraza dzieła muzycznego w choreografiach Conrada Drzewieckiego” (Ekphrasis of a Musical Work in Conrad Drzewiecki’s Choreographies) (2017), “Conrad Drzewiecki. Reformator polskiego baletu” (Conrad Drzewiecki: A Reformer of Polish Ballet) (2014) and the extended interview “Życie z tańcem. Rozmowy z Olgą Sawicką, primabaleriną polskiego baletu” (A Life with Dance: Conversations with Olga Sawicka, a Polish Primaballerina) (2009). Together with Jerzy Borwinski, he co-authored “Teatr Polski w Poznaniu” (The Polski Theater in Poznan) (2015). 

He has published articles and sketches in collective books, among others: “Reprezentacje i konstrukty dzieciństwa w literaturze oraz kulturze XX i XXI wieku” (Representations and Constructs of Childhood in Literature and Culture of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries) (2022), “Współczesny dramat i teatr wobec wojny, przemocy i uchodźstwa” (Contemporary Drama and Theater in the Face of War, Violence and Exile) (2018), “Biblia w dramacie” (The Bible in Drama) (2018), “Jazz w kulturze polskiej” (Jazz in Polish Culture) (vol. 3. – 2019 and vol. 4. – 2022), “Teatr Nowy w latach 1973-1987 pod dyrekcją Izabelli Cywińskiej” (The Nowy Theater between 1973 and 1987 Under the Direction of Izabella Cywinska) (2013).